On Oct. 15, County Executive Dow Constantine, the Housing Development Consortium, and Laborers Local 242 partnered to host an event in support of the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy, which will be on the ballot on Nov. 7. The levy strengthens our communities by providing job training, employment opportunities, and housing stability to veterans, seniors, domestic violence survivors, and more. The levy extends existing efforts that have proven effective in reducing unemployment, homelessness, and emergency medical costs.
Labor and housing advocates have joined together to support this important cause. Partners from labor include Laborers Local 242, IAM 751, Teamsters Joint Council 28, and others.
To find out more about how you can support the levy, please visit https://yesonprop1.com/ or http://www.housingconsortium.org/vshsl/.

County Executive Dow Constantine, Prop 1 Campaign Manager Ross Cohen, BDG VP Brian Lloyd, and Local 242 Political Director Dale Bright celebrate HDC and Local 242’s donations to the Levy. Other organizations and friends present included Compass Housing Alliance, El Centro de la Raza, Teamsters Joint Council, IAM 751, and Laborers 440.