Featured Projects

YWCA Home At Last
YWCA Pierce County

Completion Date: 2021
Funding Sources: 9% Tax Credit Equity, State HTF (includes Appropriations), YWCA Capital Campaign, City of Tacoma HOME, Federal Home Loan, Building Communities Funds, Pierce County HOME, Deferred Developer Fee, Pierce County 2060, City of Tacoma CDBG
Population Served: Low-income individuals and families earning up to 30% and 50% of AMI
Total Budget: $22,230,400
Contractor: Korsmo Construction
Architect: SMR Architects
The project has 42 units set aside for homeless households and 12 units designated for families with special needs. The ground floor of the building will contain 4,000 square feet of space that will house support services. The YWCA’s counseling and housing programs will occupy this space. Residents will have access to a full range of programming provided by the YWCA in the adjacent building, including legal services, therapeutic children’s programming, youth services and support groups.