Featured Projects
Image Credit: Abraham & Paulin Photography
Rotary Terrace Senior Housing
Rotary Club of South San Francisco & HumanGood Affordable Housing

Address: 310 Miller Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94103
Completion Date: 2019
Program: 81 unit apartment and 1,900 square feet of office and flexible community use
Funding Sources: CTCAC 4% LIHTC (Enterprise Community Investment/ Morgan Stanley), Construction participation loan (Citibank/Morgan Stanley/SVB) and Permanent Loan (Citibank), City of South San Francisco-Donation of land, County of San Mateo, FHLB-San Francisco AHP( Silicon Valley Bank), Rotary Plaza Inc.
Population Served: Low-Income Seniors up to 30% and 50% AMI; several units set aside for homeless seniors.
Total Budget: $40,505,000
Contractor: James E. Roberts-Obayashi Corp.
Architect: HKIT Architects
Rotary Terrace is a partnership between the Rotarians of South San Francisco, dba as Rotary Plaza Inc. and HumanGood Affordable Housing. The project is an eighty-one (81) unit affordable senior apartment complex on City-owned sites in downtown South San Francisco with all restricted units targeting households at or below 50% AMI. The Development is located ¼ mile from a Caltrain station and within the City’s Downtown redevelopment subarea. Amenities include exercise room, library, bike storage, high-speed internet, community space, roof-top garden, central laundry and social service space. Program space will be used in conjunction with a partnership of the Health Plan of San Mateo to support medical needs of residents. Additionally, there is an accessory use area that is available as flexible community meeting space.