Featured Projects

Phyllis Gutierrez Kenney Place / Brettler Family Place 3

Solid Ground

Family Housing
Special Needs
Sustainable Buildings

Address: 6818 62nd Avenue NE, Seattle, WA
Completion Date: 2013
Program: 54 apartments
Funding Sources: City of Seattle, WSHFC 9% LIHTC (Enterprise), Construction Loan (Wells Fargo), Capital Campaign
Population Served: Low-income up to 30% AMI
Total Budget: $14,000,000
Green Certification: Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard, City of Seattle Built Smart
Contractor: Walsh Construction Co.
Architect: Tonkin Architecture

This project rounds out Solid Ground's decade-long commitment with the City of Seattle to build nearly 200 units of housing for formerly homeless households at the historic Sand Point Naval Station at Magnuson Park in Seattle. Built into the existing Solid Ground campus in two non-contiguous buildings, this project serves the formerly homeless and contains both large family apartments as well as apartments for the disabled. Children and families have access to wrap-around case management services, ample play areas and a community building with after-school and summer youth programming. The project was built to conform with the historic designation of the surrounding community, embracing elements such as brick exteriors and historic outdoor lighting.