Featured Projects
Castle Argyle
HumanGood Affordable Housing

Address: 1919 North Argyle Ave Los Angeles, CA 90068
Completion Date: 2022
Program: Rehabilitation of 96 one-bedroom units
Funding Sources: Tax-Exempt Permanent Loan - Citibank, Seller Carryback Loan, General Partner Equity, Limited Partner Equity – U.S. Bank
Population Served: Seniors at 50% Area Median Income and lower
Total Budget: $75,000,000
Contractor: Walton Construction, Inc.
Architect: Relativity Architects
Castle Argyle is a nearly 100-year-old building which today serves very low-income seniors and disabled adults over the age of 18. Residents are restricted to those with incomes below 50% AMI. The entire property is undergoing an extensive renovation which will include a complete interior and exterior rehabilitation of all residential apartments, corridors, and common spaces. There will be extensive seismic retrofitting of the building and all major building systems (plumbing, electrical, mechanical) will be redone. Expansion of the elevator shaft will also occur to accommodate a new gurney-sized elevator.