Featured Projects

Agnes Kehoe Place

Spokane Housing Authority

Historic Buildings
Special Needs
Sustainable Buildings

Address: 5313 N Regal St, Spokane, WA
Completion Date: 2012
Program: 51 apartments
Funding Sources: City of Spokane, WA State HTF, WSHFC 9% LIHTC & Historic Tax Credits (US Bank), WSHFC Rapid Response Program
Population Served: Low-income up to 30%, 40% and 50% AMI
Total Budget: $12,000,000
Green Certification: Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard
Contractor: Walker Construction, Inc.
Architect: SMR Architects

This project involved the acquisition and gut rehabilitation of a dilapidated three-story unreinforced masonry, former school building that was built in 1912. The building had been converted to housing immediately after WWII and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places but had become a blight to the neighborhood. The Spokane Housing Authority acquired the property at auction to preserve the historic character and housing for low-income residents of Spokane. Improvements included a new seismic system, new heating and air conditioning, complete replacement of the roof and a full restoration of all historic windows and exterior masonry. Ten apartments are set-aside for formerly homeless veterans and ten apartments are reserved for disabled residents, including veterans. Section 8 vouchers are utilized in the project.